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November 21, 2018 by Dannielle Emery of Reward Fitness

How To Stay Motivated This Winter

It's funny isn't it? We all work so hard to get that summer bod, then the minute the cold hits, everyone goes into hibernation. The mornings are cold, the nights get dark and we all want to wrap up warm snuggled on the sofa. Me included.

It's true that temperature and light have direct impact on our body rhythms in the winter extremes. But there are simple things you can do to encourage yourself to leave the comfort of your warm bed. 

There are so many benefits to exercise, and in order to live a healthy lifestyle, we have to continue it all year round. Plus summer bodies are made in the winter!

So, here are 8 excuse busters to nudge you, push you, or inspire you to stay motivated and keep moving through the cold months.

1. Create heat. Adjust the thermostat timer to warm your home or bedroom before the alarm goes off. If the temperature outside the duvet is as enjoyable as inside, poof! the excuse is gone. Even better, put your workout clothes on the heater or radiator so they are toasty warm and ready for you when you climb out of bed.

2. Recreate early sunlight. Invest in a bedside lamp that simulates natural daylight. For example, the Phillips 'Wake-up Light', endorsed by the National Sleep Foundation, gradually increases the light and comes with built in clock and alarm. Starting your day with natural light will help activate your internal clock to get ready to take on the day.

3. Tune your alarm. Rather than a normal, annoying alarm clock, use your iPod or similar device to play specific songs that get you going. It doesn't need to be your techno dance mix but something that lifts your mood and energy will do wonders for your ability to get out of bed on the first try.

4. Find a friend. Find someone who will commit to joining you in the morning for walks or workouts, and hold you accountable for showing up. Knowing someone is waiting for you to share the pain of the early darkness might be just the stimulus you need to throw back the covers and get out of the house.

5. Put your head under water. Rather than clinging to the comfort of your favourite housecoat while shuffling to the kitchen for a coffee, make a beeline to the shower. The water will wake you. Getting dressed right away also will help get you past the urge to lounge lazily over your latte.

6. Warm up indoors. Do some jumping jacks, leg lifts or pushups in your living room before heading out. Not only will it get your heart rate going and your blood circulating, it will make it very difficult to slide back into bed. Excuses be gone!

7. Tap into technology. Proclaiming your intention to workout each day on Facebook, Twitter, your blog or online community (e.g. Nike+) can strengthen your commitment, even if it is to avoid the embarrassment and guilt of not following through.

8. Use mini-goals for major rewards. Set small targets that lead to higher intensity, focus and discipline to stay on track each day. Perhaps the number of miles this week, the number of workouts over the next seven days, or steady improvements in strength gains on the bench press. For maximum motivation, always write your goals down, making them specific and measurable, and track progress so you can reward yourself for the results.

Don't hesitate. Give one of these a try this week and share your ideas for what keeps you motivated.

Dannielle Emery
Director - Reward Fitness

This Girl Can Essex Ambassador & Just Strong Ambassador
Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert
Fitmum Blogger -, Essex Mums
Tel: 07951693978
FB: Reward Fitness
Twitter: @reward_fitness


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