Recipe of the week - Pulled Pork

November 26, 2014 by Chef Justin from Justin's Food Company

As we are fast approaching the month of Christmas I know many people will be hosting a little festive gathering to get in the party spirit.

Pulled pork is a great way for you to feed those empty stomachs while giving you plenty of time to enjoy your own party without the stress of cooking many other dishes. Once it's in the oven theres nothing much else to do! Serve with crusty rolls and a crunchy home made coleslaw.

Feeds 8

The Ingredients:

- 1.5kg pork shoulder (boneless, skin removed and tied. Your butcher will be happy to do this for you)
- 2 tbsp smoked paprika
- 1tbsp sweet paprika
- 1 tbsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
- 8 white/wholemeal rolls (crusty is best)

For the BBQ sauce

- 100g dark brown sugar
- 60ml cider or malt vinegar
- 1 x 445ml bottle of BBQ sauce

The Method:

- Start by making the dry rub, combine both paprika's, chill powder, cumin, salt & pepper. Rub the spice mix over your pork then transfer to a bowl or plastic container. Cover with a lid or use cling film and refrigerate for 24 hours.

- Preheat your oven to 140c.

- Place the pork into a roasting tin and cover with a sheet of parchment paper then cover in foil, be sure to squeeze tight the edges of the foil to the roasting tin, place in oven.

- This next part helps lots if you have a meat thermometer as the meat needs to reach 90c to achieve the perfect flakey pulled pork this will take around 4/6 hours. Once your pork has come to temperature remove from the oven and leave to stand for 20 mins.

- Now make the sauce ( this can be done in advance) in a saucepan, bring the barbecue, brown sugar, vinegar to the boil, stirring often, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

- Time to remove the foil off that yummy pork, remove any string now start to flake away with a fork, mix in your sauce making sure to coat all the meat. Serve up in your chosen rolls with home made slaw and a tasty salad of your choice!


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