Time out!

June 18, 2015 by Anonymous

See I told you, I am not quite a match for SJP… whilst she spends her days and nights socialising with friends (okay so I do my fair share of that), committing to deadlines (clearly I’m no good at that) and chasing her Mr Big (!!!), it’s taken me 2 weeks to bring you my next instalment…. but I can’t complain…. …the last two weeks have all been a result of me taking a few days out to get away for a much needed break with some of my crazy, fun girlfriends!

I've always been a fan of getting away with my friends, however this holiday was a little different to those that I remember some 15 years ago! Holidays back then were a cheap flight to Tenerife where my best mate, who still is to this day, spent her summers repping. Drinks were Hooch or some disgusting green shot, accommodation was my friends not so 5x apartment which she shared with more friends than they had beds and nights out didn't start to the time Cinderella would be getting home and never finish before the sun came up. 

This time away however, didn’t come without a little bit of a guilt attached! I may sort of be the semi self confessed SJP of Leigh (or actually been told), but I’m also a mum to a beautiful little girl and it got me wondering whether time away from her was just a selfish act of escapism? I debated, wrestled with my guilt, but any parent will tell you from time to time, actually, a break can make you better at the most important job in the world! 

So….. Marbella - check, Spa - check, Sun - check, 5 lovely friends - check… and I was off!

Right decision made…. we spent the whole 3 days in a girlie bubble of fun, laughter and a little too much wine!! We ate, we drunk, we partied but the best bit of all…..spending time together! A traditional game of ‘I have never’ was played (something none of us would have had stories to tell like we did some 15 years ago), a skinny dip in the sea for one at some ungodly hour and a drunken bush fall for another… oh and the last night, a room party just for us girls (too much wine at the spa for us to contemplate going out) where we danced on the beds and pulled out so moves that would put MC Hammer to shame! 

So my thoughts,  if you do one thing this year, plan to take a mini break with friends, because the way I see it, as long as the little lady in my life, somebody who rocks my world, my family and my friends always never feel without me, then a bit of selfless me time is just what all of us need! 


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