Property Blog - Launch!

July 27, 2014 by Joanna Harrison

Hello and welcome to the first weekly property blog. My aim is to keep you abreast of the property market conditions in and around Leigh-on-Sea and give insights and tips on national trends and housing patterns.

My name is Rob Kahl and I have been an estate agent in Leigh-on-Sea for over 17 years. I have seen demand for properties grow hugely and prices soar. I have also witnessed more difficult and turbulent times, such as the airport expansion and of course, the recession.

I run the sales department of Scott & Stapleton which is co-owned by Tim Scott & Simone Giles, both of whom have over 20 years' experience in the Leigh-on-Sea sales and rental market. We have recently undergone a huge transformation, investing in a dynamic re-brand, a fantastic new office in the heart of the Broadway and a talented new team. It's a an extremely exciting time for us, especially as a key aim is to get involved with community projects and the people of Leigh-on-Sea. Regards the local market, the overriding feeling at present is one of confidence. Demand for properties in areas such as the Marine Estate, the Broadway and Chalkwell is as strong as I have ever known it. As a result, property prices have risen considerably in the last 6 months. Developers clearly share our optimism, as they are investing in new properties such as the popular Eden Point and they're redeveloping The Grand and hopefully The Bell Hotel. All looks very positive.  

However, there is a cautionary note. Potential buyers are more informed than ever. The internet makes it easy to access historical and current property prices. It is therefore, essential that agents and sellers remain realistic, rather than over optimistic. If properties are priced too highly, they are in danger of wallowing on the market or perhaps getting a buyer but then losing them after a less favourable valuation by the surveyor. We're here to make sure our vendors get the right balance.  

If there are any particular subjects within the property realms that you would like me to focus on in future blogs then please get in touch - suggestions and feedback are always welcome. Or, if you have any funny (or nightmare) tales of how you sold or bought your home, I would love to hear from you! Please contact me at I may even include your story next week!


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