Could you be a Schools Appeal Panel member?

February 1, 2016 by Southend Borough Council

Could you be a Schools Appeal Panel member?

Friday 29th January 2016

The Council needs more volunteers to join Southend Schools Independent Appeals Panel for school admissions and exclusions.

If parents cannot enrol their children at an over-subscribed school, they may decide to lodge an appeal which would be heard by Southend Schools Independent Appeals Panel.

This panel would also be convened if parents decide to appeal against a school’s decision to permanently exclude their child.

The Council has a pool of members who make up the appeals panel and three are chosen at random to hear each case.

These participants include people with experience of working in the local education system and others who are lay members.

Admissions appeals for both primary and secondary schools are usually held between April and July but the panel may also need to consider admission and exclusion appeals at other times of the year when necessary.

Executive Councillor for Children and Learning, Councillor Anne Jones said: “Becoming a panel member can be a rewarding experience for anyone interested in education, who is free during the day.

“We are looking for volunteers who are impartial, confident and decisive who are keen to contribute to our local community.

“They need to be good listeners, be interested in hearing both sides of the argument, able to separate relevant and irrelevant facts, and come to a reasoned decision.

“New panel members will be given full training, and reasonable travelling and subsistence expenses will be paid.”

Anyone interested in becoming a lay panel member should contact Colin Gamble, Group Manager for Democratic Services on 01702-534820 or email:

Alternatively, an application form can be downloaded from the Council’s website at:

Appointments will be made following informal interviews. The closing date for applications is Friday, 26th February.


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