What is Cool?

January 21, 2015 by Ray Morgan

What is cool?

On Saturday night I sat with my partner and sister in law and we discussed what it means to be 'cool'. It came from my sister in law who said she didn't feel cool enough sometimes around certain people. My partner and I agreed that we felt the same about ourselves, but I was baffled to hear it coming from her - I said she is one of the coolest people I know. She has great morals, a hilarious dark sense of humour, excellent dress sense, always looks good, her home is like something out of a style magazine, and she has a really high flying job. Cool points abound.

As humble humans, we like to shake off compliments. Someone says "That's a nice shirt" and you reply with "Oh, god, this is so old, seriously? It was only £7 in a sale, god, no, it's awful." I've done it. You probably have too. You've probably also hidden a love for something supposedly uncool because you're embarrassed to say it. But let me offer you this piece of advice. IT IS OKAY TO LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT SONGS.

Some people embody cool. They ooze it from their pores. They might always have perfect hair, or expensive looking threads, or their Facebook profile tells a story of wild nights out looking impeccable, at hipster venues, sipping craft beer or on-trend cocktails. But *are* they cool? They might seem it. On a very superficial level - and let's all blame Facebook and Instagram for this - it is very easy to make it look like your life is desirable. I may only be sitting at home drinking a cup of 'bedtime tea' waiting for University Challenge to start but put an Amaro filter on that selfie and BOOM! Coolness.

But what is cool? The people I think are the most cool are probably the people who don't think they are at all. Generosity and kindness are cool. I have friends who always, always invite me in for a cuppa if I'm passing their house - and always seem to have time for me in their busy lives. I think that is cool. I have two pals who are single mums and are both bringing up the most polite, lovely, well mannered children who I enjoy spending time with. THAT is cool. My sister has spent her whole life involved in Girl Guides - which a lot of people might think is geeky or uncool - but I think it is unfeasibly cool! She has taught young women to be independent! Taken them on incredible trips across the world where they fend for themselves, cook, build fires, put up tents - in a culture where young people are usually glued to electronic devices (and girls aren't supposed to break their nails). I love that.

I for one, am not cool. Nothing about me is cool. But I am surrounded by people who like me for who I am despite me loving Coronation Street to a devoted degree / correcting people's grammar / loving Taylor Swift / laughing at my own jokes etc. Maybe they think I'm cool? I sure think they are.

Top 5 cool things I don't get:

1. Breaking Bad. Sorry. I just don't understand the fuss. I don't want to wade through the first 12 episodes "because it gets really good in series 2 - life is short, pals. Watch OITNB instead.
2. Tumblr. I have one! I don't understand it! Help me.
3. Mulholland Drive. I have seen this film at least 3 times and it's too weird for me. I give up.
4. Pharrell. Misogyny is NEVER cool man, and despite my love for Vivienne Westwood, you kind of look like a dick in that hat.
5. iPhones. You need the fingertips of a child to type anything, and everyone's screens are always cracked. I am a dedicated uncool Nokia user. Hear me roar.


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